No, it is not strange. Not at all. It happens to me. Forgetfulness is one thing I never forget about.
Of the many things that I have forgotten over the years, ‘words’, ‘sentences’, ‘meanings’, ‘emotions’ are a few that fail to make it to my list of forgotten items. They are the collateral damage of seemingly bigger events in life such as forgetting to pay your EMIs on time, forgetting to restock your groceries or even forgetting to pick up your kid from that extra ‘extra-curricular’ activity that you have just enrolled her into.
In comparison to these, smaller events of forgetfulness such as forgetting to call your folks back or forgetting the date of your alumni meet or even forgetting to wish your mother in law on her successful submission of an online article may seem rudimentary.
In comparison to these rudimentary acts of forgetfulness, what completely goes unnoticed or deliberately pushed under the carpet are those trivial words, weightless emotions, and transient meanings. They lay there accumulating dust and blissfully forgotten by the one who created them in the first place.
Day to day forgetfulness is not a clinical disease, unless or otherwise detected as Alzheimer’s by a medical professional. However, this new age ailment that we all are victims of, has created havoc in our lives. From forgetting to water the plants to drinking six glasses of water ourselves, we forget everything.
I don’t remember anymore what it means to savour a juicy orange on a winter afternoon or to wait for someone to call on a fixed-line landline phone, which sits idle on the side table of the living room.
Where do these forgotten things go? What do we mean when we say that it was erased from my memory? Why do these forgotten memories come back at a prickly trigger like the smell of orange zest or the sound of the old ringtone of your first boyfriend? Where were they hiding that inconspicuous things like the smell of an old bedsheet or sound of the school bell can bring them back?
Do we have a memory size inside our brains just like our phones do? 480 GB, 280 GB, 120 GB? I don't know.
I just know that I forgot what I wanted to write when I started typing this article out. I had a thought, a structure in mind but now I can't recall any of them. Gone, poof, whoosh in thin air.
P.S: I also forgot to buy a secret Santa gift for my angel.